Lets get talking! In this week’s Careline blog we want to discuss the topic of conversation, and it just so happens to be that this week is National Conversation Week. Now what’s this might you ask?
Well, National Conversation Week, which runs from March 6-12 is a week where people are encouraged to talk! We live in a fast-paced, technology driven world and it’s thought that the art of conversation is getting lost because we spend so much time heads-down in laptops and phones.
We’re all guilty of passing up the opportunity to visit friends and family or even picking up the phone, and instead we send a quick email or instant message. To tackle this travesty, National Conversation Week has been introduced to encourage everyone to ditch the tech, even for a small portion of the day, and try to engage a little more with the people around us.
Many young adults could be classed as anti-social nowadays and technology is in some ways to blame. Children and teenagers particularly spend lots of time on mobile phones, computers and playing computer games. This inhibits the ability to build communication skills as they are spending more time conversing through messages and apps. So this week is a great way to encourage everyone to improve those skills and get talking

Lets Get Talking – How can we get involved?
There’s a number of ways to get involved with National Conversation Week:
- Still need the tech? Telephone, Skype or Facetime instead of WhatsApp and instant messaging
- Ditch the headphones and speak to the people around you, whether on the bus home, in the office or at home
- Ask your colleagues in your lunch break how they are, or if they had a good weekend
- Set aside some time to sit with friends or family with no phones or other tech distracting you
- If you live with others sit around the table at dinner and breakfast times rather than in-front of the television.
- Encourage others to chat; strike up a friendly conversation with the Barista when buying your coffee or the sales assistant when shopping
Further details of how to take part in this campaign can be found over on the National Conversation Week’s website. They also provide lots of handy downloadable materials that you can use to get others involved and informed on the event too.
If you’re thinking of buying a Careline Alarm give us a call on 0800 101 333 , we’re always happy to chat!