The majority of people’s mental health will have taken a hit during the pandemic and subsequent lockdown. We have experienced uncertainty, a terrifying health scare, loss of jobs, and, for some of us, loss of loved ones. No one is denying it was a troubling time, but we attempted to keep our heads above water as best we could. From baking to exercising, to cheering on a retired captain lapping his garden, we have managed to make it to the end. However, as we open up society more and more this has lead to another new set of stress and uncertainty. Today we will be looking at the possible worries and the best way to deal with them.
Of course, the main worry is that the virus could peak once again as we all start mixing more. This one may be the most difficult to deal with as individuals as there is little we can control. We must put our faith in those who decide when we open up again, a little easier this lockdown round than the first.
Thanks to the internet we can easily check the rates of infection. While this can be a comfort to see it going down and down, it is important not to become obsessive with checking the statistics. Use this tool for reassurance, not control.
We need to focus on ourselves and our own actions during this time. Do not look at what others are doing and fret over whether you think they are doing the right thing or not. You can only be responsible for yourself to keep you safe. Following the guidelines and common sense, decide what actions are best for you.
While a large number of people are desperate to get back out and see their friends and families, for some, this will be trickier. You may be someone who has suffered from social anxiety before and lockdown has been a vague comfort to you. You may be someone who’s never experienced those feelings before but lockdown triggered them inside you. The opening of shops and restaurants can cause pressure to go out and be social. This can be difficult for some.
This first way to relieve some of this stress is to not pressure yourself or let others pressure you. It might look as if everyone in the entire world is going to a pub, bar, or restaurant every night since they reopened. However, if this is not for you, it’s no problem. We all have different levels of socialness. You may find staying at home far more fun than going out. Try to focus on the hobbies you may have picked up during lockdown. Whatever you decide to do with your time, remind yourself you can stay in or go out as much or as little as suits you.
For one reason or another, a lot of us have experienced a financial hit during the pandemic. Luckily, there have been a lot of schemes and allowances put in place to alleviate this. Many authorities have extended payment plans or reduced them due to the pandemic. Find out more about how these can help you here.
If you had plans to make a big purchase such as a house before the pandemic, you will be pleased to know the government are now supplementing mortgages meaning at the moment it is possible to get a mortgage with a deposit at as little as 5%.
Losing your job is a little more complicated. However, while jobs were few and far between during the lockdown, as things open up, more and more job posts. are becoming available.
Find out more helpful financial tips in our blog here.
How We Can Help
Here at Careline, we strive to eliminate people’s concerns and worries. We do this with our Personal Alarms. Personal Alarms can give users and their loved ones the peace of mind that they can carry on living independently and confidently
To find out more about the Careline alarm service and how it can help you, read our quick guide or check out our range of products here. Alternatively, contact our friendly team online or by phone – they’ll be happy to answer any queries you may have.
You can order your Careline alarm online at any time. Prices start from just £13.89 per month.