There was a young fellow named Lear
Who invented Limericks, we hear,
so now we converse
in humorous verse
on Limerick Day every year!
What is Limerick Day All About?
Now we’ve introduced you with a Limerick, lets talk about the event! National Limerick Day is celebrated every year on May 12th in recognition of the birthday of English artist, illustrator, author and poet Edward Lear (May 12, 1812 – Jan. 29, 1888).
Lear is known for a number of works these include the following: Nonsense Songs and Stories (1870, dated 187 , Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles (1872), More Nonsense Songs, Pictures, etc. (1872), Laughable Lyrics (1877), and Nonsense Alphabets.
We like to bring some light-hearted topics to our readers and what a perfect one this is! For those of you who aren’t certain what a limerick is, it’s defined as:
“A kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet.” –
The origin of the Limerick could date back as much as several hundred years. “Its distinctive rhyming scheme lend themselves well to nonsense verse, and so Limericks are often childish or obscene.
The best ones tend to be both.” Now we know what a Limerick is, and why it’s being celebrated we give to you a handful of our favourites, guaranteed to make you smile too!
Some of our Favourites:

There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, I’m afloat, I’m afloat!
When they said, No! you ain’t!
He was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
The incredible Wizard of Oz,
Retired from his business becoz.
Due to up-to-date science,
To most of his clients,
He wasn’t the Wizard he woz.
Remember when nearly sixteen,

On your very first date as a teen.
At the movies? If yes,
Then I bet you can’t guess,
What was shown on the cinema screen.
There once was a lady in Spain,
Who loved to play in the rain.
One day she tripped,
And hurt her hip,
Now she is in serious pain.
Don’t Be That Lady In Spain
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